12 Ways I Can Improve My Daily “Mental” Practice

I’m practicing idea muscle, that is writing 10 ideas a day for 6 months. Feel free to take anything you’ve found useful.

Yosef Andreas
Aug 26, 2021
  1. Aware of negative thought.
  2. Noticing demotivation.
  3. See the alternatives of my assumptions.
  4. Cooling down my anger.
  5. Laugh at myself.
  6. Allow for imperfection.
  7. Clear my mind by writing it down.
  8. Always be creating.
  9. Practice mindfulness.
  10. Express gratitude.
  11. Get out of comfort zone.
  12. Simplify things.



Yosef Andreas

An avid reader. I write mainly about the best values a book can deliver to you.